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Celebrity Gossip: Did Micheal Jackson Date Whitney Houston?

Did Micheal Jackson Date Whitney Houston?

Answers From Different Source

By Andrea Watts

Yes. They became friends in early 1988, before Michael set off on the second leg of the BAD tour. She gave him a lot of support. She stayed at Neverland in April 1989 for a few days. They had a lot of fun together. They chased each other across the ranch, played with the animals, had long walks and dinners. She enjoyed her time at Neverland. Michael liked her a lot. She was intelligent and funny. They were compatible and had good chemistry together. The photograph below was taken when she arrived. The body language says it all. He was very attracted to her, and there was a lot of slapstick humour between them.
The reason Michael didn't pursue it any further is that she had an illegal substance habit. She'd been using cocaine and cannabis since the mid-1980s when she first achieved commercial success in the music business. Drug dealers prey on celebrities as soon as they start making serious money, and that was what happened to Whitney. Michael had long conversations with her about it over the period that he knew her. He wanted her to get off drugs. He had no tolerance for illegal drugs. She assured him she'd stopped. While she was staying at Neverland, she needed drugs. He realised that she was still on drugs and wouldn't give up her lifestyle. If it hadn't been for this short stay by her at Neverland, he'd have believed that she'd got off drugs. Michael was a gracious host for the remainder of her stay there but, after this, she was never invited to Neverland again. That was the end of his romantic interest in her. He just wasn't attracted to her any more. He liked his women clean: no drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
Whitney was a genuinely good person. Michael liked her soul. They remained friends but he continued to worry about the state her lifestyle got her into as years progressed.
She was very discreet and never told anyone what had happened between them. Instead, she'd make innocent and light-hearted jokes when asked about him in interviews after his death.
A common misconception is that Bobby Brown got her into bad habits. In fact, by the time she got involved with Bobby, in August 1989, she was already rising class A drugs.

By Esmeralda Rokaj
According to a story published on the net by someone who knew Michael, yes, he did date Whitney, like London A. Williams has stated and she did sleep with Jermaine. Michael was really hoping to marry her and then it ended.
In the fan comunity it's actually well-known that they dated. I'm really sad they didn't end up together, they would have been a great couple. I think they were really similar in nature and of course, two great legends. Perfect Match:

By London A Williams
Yes, he did date Whitney, but it was a very brief and heavy one. Whitney loved doing the things that Michael liked, she was just as playful as he was. She was with Michael at his Neverland ranch for a short time, and Michael was falling hard. I don't know what was going through her head, or what drug she was on, but she did sleep with Jermaine, I can just imagine how Michael felt, his own brother did this to him. She was also at the time the only woman that Michael ever thought that he would want to marry. Diana was the first. In his own words, and with a sly smile, he said of Whitney," She wasn't just a diva on stage." It was sad because Michael wanted Whitney almost as bad as he wanted Diana.

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